UPDATE: New, premium shorts bonus pack added. 17 very high quality one minute+ loops and one full length track. Enjoy 
After putting together music licensing group Elite Sync Lab with DJ Wings I finally got around to releasing a massive pack of music which doesn’t fit into my artist releases or not quite complete segments of music which is/are great for licensing. I’ve decided to release these tracks, for free, for you to enjoy at your leisure, but all of the songs are copyrighted and are for private use only. If you decide to download the pack, here is what you can and cannot do with the music in these packs:
* Listen however you feel like, on your music player, in the car, etc…
* Give to your friends or strangers to listen to
* DJs may drop any of this music in your set, as long as you’re not selling the set recording
* Enjoy
* Sell any of the files to anyone or any organization
* Use the music for your website, even if it’s a personal site
* Use for any sort of advertising
* Use for any video project which brings in revenue for you or someone else
* Use for any show (TV or Internet) or film
* Play on the radio or internet radio
* Sample any of the music for a commercial release music project
Basically, as long as you are not making money off of my work, it’s all good.
That’s about it. If you do want to use any of this music for commercial purposes, e.g. advertising, TV, films, videos, website, radio etc… you can license the music for a small and yet very reasonable sum and – in the process – assist me in upgrading my music creating software and hardware. Pretty simple.
Some of the tracks in the pack may be familiar as some of them have been publicly released before, some are new, unheard projects. In any case, I hope you enjoy and – as always – thanks for all the support!
You will need a .zip extractor to open the archive and extract the mp3 files.
You can find one for free online (I recommend 7Zip).
What’s in the packs?
In total there are 37 tracks and loops in the three files.
The first two packs , Full Length or Minute Plus are either full length finished tracks or near finished tracks, 27 total. The last pack, Shorter Samples & Loops is a pack of 30 second – 1 minute clips of music, 10 total. The music contained in the packs is of all sorts of various genres: progressive house, dubstep, downtempo, electro house + more.
The pack comes in three installments because you’re getting a total of almost 150mb of music:
Sonaris Music Licensing Pack – Full Length or Minute Plus (Part 1) <- Click to download
Sonaris Music Licensing Pack – Full Length or Minute Plus (Part 2) <- Click to download
Sonaris Music Licensing Pack – Shorter Samples & Loops <- Click to download
Sonaris Music Licensing Pack – Bonus Pack Premium Shorts
This pack features 17 high quality 320 mp3 one minute + loops, everything from classic house, to dubstep, trance, chillout + more! Plus one full length track. All new stuff, mixed by yours truly today. Enjoy 
If you are interested in licensing this music (and other music from my colleagues) for your commercial project, you may do so, here:
Elite Sync Lab at AudioSparx